My friend Julia of Basya Berkman Vintage (the person who supplies me with all the fun clothes needing creative repair solutions that you see in these posts) has told me that I need to do this bit of shameless self-promotion. This is not in my nature. At all. But I am following Julia's advice.....
March 20, 2019
book on antique quilt care,
quilt repair
March 19, 2019
Buttons in Boxes and Baskets
Well, let's just say that when a button collection gets so big that buying two new storage boxes isn't enough, well then, that is a big button collection. Guess how I know.
March 11, 2019
Recent Vintage Clothing Adventures
There's always something new and interesting when repairing vintage clothes for Rare Jule Vintage! I'm sharing some highlights of the last few months of creative repairing. From buttons (of course there will be buttons!) to darning to alteration to a fun accessory.
fur muff,
fur repair,
vintage clothing