November 21, 2013

My New Book on Antique Quilt Care

12/27 - Blog hop results are final. Winner selected. Favorite traditional blocks list tallied. Big thanks to everyone who visited!!


I'm a first-time participant in a Quilting Gallery blog hop party - this one is all about "Giving Thanks." The list of bloggers ready to welcome you to their sites is at the Quilting Gallery.

The blog hop is open starting late afternoon on November 21, and ending on November 26.  I'll be drawing a name at random after the close and giving away a copy of my book - Preserving Our Quilt Legacy: Giving Antique Quilts the Special Care They Deserve - hot off the presses.

Enter the drawing by leaving a comment on this post.  Since the book is about antique quilts, let us know which is your favorite traditional quilt block or blocks.  I have lots of favorites!  Lily Basket.  Little Giant.  Hands All Around.

If you want to have two chances at winning a book, become a follower or email subscriber, and tell me you've done so in your comment as well.

More info about the book is on my website:



For me, I am giving thanks to everyone who has helped me over many years of learning about antique quilts and then gathering all I've learned into my very first book.  Teachers, quilt lovers and owners, quilting friends, business advisors, publishing and marketing professionals.  Thanks to one and all!

Thanks also to Michele over at Quilting Gallery for all her work to keep quilters connected, informed, and happy.

Here are pix of a few of the lovelies I've had the pleasure of repairing.  I hope you all enjoy blog hopping and have a grateful and tasty Thanksgiving!

Ann Wasserman
Six-Pointed Stars, part 1 and part 2         

Embroidered Crazy Quilt

Old Italian Block, part 1 and part 2

Magic Vine, part 1 and part 2

Crazy Quilt, commemorative ribbon, 1882

Snowflake, part 1 and part 2


  1. I am a new e-mail follower. I am here for the party. Thanks for sharing. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com.

  2. My favorite block is still the Ohio star block.

  3. I am following by email. I love the rail fence. I am going to try to make one for my daughter. Thank you for the opportunity.

  4. I love them all but do have a special fondness for churn dashes. I am now following you by email.

  5. I like the traditional nine patch, seems to be my go to pattern a lot. Thanks for a chance to win your book. I am excited.

  6. Dutchman's Puzzle is my favorite antique quilt block. I also love churn dashes. Thank you for the chance to win. Good luck with your book!

  7. I love star blocks and I also love log cabin variations- it is hard to choose my favorite block. I am very interested in antique quilts so your book sounds fascinating. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your new book.
    Regards from Alberta,

  8. My favorite blocks are any of the stars. I also love the old applique. Would love to have a copy of your book Preserving Our Quilt Legacy. I love the fact you repair the antique quilts. Thanks a bunch

  9. Love the stars. Thanks so much for sharing

  10. I love log cabin blocks. My mom would love this book!

  11. I like the Ohio Star block. I have one on display at my home that my grandparents hand stitched.

    1. How nice to have an heirloom quilt! I always recommend that people write down all the stories they know about the quilt and the quiltmakers, a gift to future historians. It would be so lovely to have that kind of information for all the anonymous antique quilts that are around us today!

  12. I have been searching for a pattern for the Odd Fellows Puzzle block where the "geese" pointing center are three narrow patches rather than the traditional two. It was done in 30/40s fabric and it was love at first sight.

  13. I joined to follow you by email. My favorite old block is baskets.

  14. I just inherited antique quilt! This book would be handy and in time! Thanks for chance!

  15. I love making stars :) Many thank for this great giveaway!

  16. Yea -- looks good! Hope the blog hop went great for you!

  17. I love crazy quilts and the grandmothers garden hexi blocks.

  18. One of my favorite traditional blocks is a Dresden Plate...but seriously, how can anyone only choose one? :) I am looking forward to reading your book! I've been blessed to be the "keeper" of several ancient quilts that have been passed down. I am now following you via email.

    1. Ah, I like the word "keeper" rather than "owner." It implies taking care of, instead of just having around. Quilts really do have lives of their own, after all!

  19. Wow! Happy to know about your book. Will let me friend know about it. She collects quilts. My favorite block is the bear paw. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  20. Wow, you have lots of comments... You know my favorite quilts are tiny block Amish quilts.

  21. My favorite block is the log cabin - so versatile. Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. I'm following you with Bloglovin'. Thanks again.

  23. I love pinwheels and hexies. Thanks for a chance to win.

  24. I love the Double Wedding Ring. I make lots of Sampler Quilts at my house. I wonder what future quilters will say about my ANTIQUES? Thanks for the Giveaway.

    1. Yes, just imagine when a quilt signed and dated (hint, hint) 2013 gets to be a hundred years old and people marveling over what amazing art folks were able to make with such ancient technology. :-)

  25. I love my antique double wedding ring. Thank you for participating in the blog hop.

  26. My favourite traditional block is the Feathered Star. Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. I'm thrilled to find your blog. I went back through some previous posts and I think I will learn a lot. I have several old quilts that I've purchased at thrift stores. One is a wool one with appliqued stars. Someone spilled something on it and it has an "old" odor about it. I haven't done anything with it but perhaps you've already blogged about this kind of problem and I'll find help here.

    I was hoping to follow on google but I don't see "followers" so I'm going to follow on feedly.

    There are several old patterns that I like. One is churn dash and another is album blocks (with the diagonal cross).

    Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

    1. No, I haven't blogged about that "old quilt odor" yet. Good idea! Thanks, Nancy! And congratulations and thanks for rescuing your thrift store quilts.

  28. I'm a new follower of yours.

  29. I admire all saw tooth blocks, but what I make most are nine patches and pinwheels because I love their versabilty.

  30. Nine patch is my favorite block!

  31. New e-mail subscriber!

  32. I like churn dash and log cabins!

  33. Churn dash is my favorite block but I love all the traditional blocks. I am vey traditional.

  34. My Dad (recently deceased) worked on a snake trail quilt as part of therapy when he had an accident 60 years ago. They told him it would help with his coordination as well as produce something useful rather than just random exercises. Now how practical is that? I have that quilt and will treasure it always. He called it a snake trail but I know all the scraps are cut at angles and are no bigger than 1 1/2" by 2". So for me a snake trail block is my favorite antique block.

    1. Lovely story! I have heard stories of needlework and patchwork being used as therapy for wounded soldiers back during World War I. Makes sense to me.

  35. I love antique quilts. I was visiting my grandparents, and the weather was getting colder. I noticed an old quilt my grandfather had wrapped around the water faucet outside. I asked my
    grandmother if I could have it! She said, "you don't want that old thing. I made it when we first got married, and it is not in very good shape any more" I took it home. I only needed a couple of places patched. It was a lovely appliqued tulip block done in the early 1930s. It is one of my most cherished quilts. I love any of the old 30s patters, and scrappy quilts are
    the best!! Basket quilts are wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win!

    wigglypup2 at yahoo dot com

    1. Oh, my, that is a most wonderful story!

  36. I am a new follower by e-mail.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. Thanks, Melissa, huge thanks, for adding my blog to your links! I'm just a beginner at this blog hop concept, and I had no idea there were so many. I've added your info to my list of cool links. Pleased to meet you!

  38. I have a quilt my Grandma made - love it.

  39. I follow by email. My favorite blocks are Bears Paw, Churn Dash and anything involving stars.

  40. Would be awesome to win your book! Repairing and taking care of old quilts is interesting. I love any kind of star blocks and basket blocks.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  41. I love old quilts! And I love making quilts that look old. My favorites are hexagon quilts, not Grandmother's Flower Garden, older hexie quilts. I have made so many and they still fascinate me.

    sew4given AT aol DOT com

  42. I am the first in my family who quilts. Im from Argentina and quilting is not a tradition there. So Id love to win this book so that I can pass it on along with all the quilts Im making. They will have no excuse to look after them! ;)

    1. I think the international part of connecting via the internet is very exciting. I have kept track of visitors to my blog - there have been people from 106 countries! I have had visitors from Argentina, so there are at least a couple of quilters there. ;-) I like that you are planning ahead for your new family heirlooms!

  43. I like Churn Dash, Goose in the Pond, Lily Basket, Ohio Star, Sawtooth Star, Goose Tracks and just about all of the traditional quilt blocks.

  44. I am a new follower via Bloglovin'. I would absolutely love to win a copy of your book! Thanks for the chance!

  45. Is sunbonnet sue old enough to be an antique? enjoying the hop and your site, thanks! Will follow via email

    1. The standard concept of "vintage" seems to be 50-100 years old, and "antique" is over 100 years old. I don't think that's anything that is a dictionary definition really, but seems to be the general usage. So, Sue is getting right close to being an antique.

  46. Looks like an awesome book! I would love to win a copy :)

  47. I love the magic vines!

    1. Me,too! Very graceful, and a great way to enjoy doing appliqué. Check out my posts about my wonderful green Magic Vine at:

  48. Little Boy Britches, Sunbeam, Honey Bee And Seven Sisters Are A Few Of My Favorites. I Own An Antique String PieceD StaR And Bowtie.

    1. Oh, I'd forgotten about Honey Bee. I do like that one a lot. I'm wasn't familiar with either Little Boy Britches or Sunbeam, and went and looked them up. Thanks for introducing me to some new blocks.

  49. I have a quilt made by my great grandmother that has a block that I have not been able to ID in all my research. It is great.

  50. churn dash .. and mariners compass.... ohh it's hart there are so many beautiful ones .. bear paw ..

  51. My favorite is Storm at sea. Thanks for the chance to win

  52. And I am following via bloglovin. thanks again!

  53. I'd love to own some old quilts. Your book sounds interesting. I have not been quilting long but love the log cabin block. Thanks for a chance to win.


  54. Now following via email.


  55. I love star blocks of all kinds but I always seem to make Sawtooth!

  56. I'm a fan of Star Flower from the 30s. Our local museum just had a quilt show with their collection. They were trying to figure out their patterns. ll_gee at hotmail dot com

  57. My favorite is log cabin...tried and true. I could REALLY use your book as i have some antique quilts that need cleaning or whatever you do to them to make them right.

  58. One of my favorite quilt patterns in the double wedding ring. I like how they loop together.

  59. I am following you by email.

  60. I love all vintage quilts. And definitely need this book to know how to care for them!

  61. I have lots of favorites too, love the Irish chain. I'm working on a bow tie right now.

