Good news! My Preserving Our Quilt Legacy Virtual Workshop is coming up soon. Sessions take place on five Saturdays, Jan 28 - Feb 25 2025. This is a rare opportunity to learn about the many aspects of restoration and conservation all in one package. Find out more:
A full description and registration info
An introductory video
Besides lectures and demos, you’ll receive a set of samples of tools and fabrics, access to video demos of techniques and stitches, links to other resources. You’ll be able to show a quilt and see everyone else’s quilts and learn about how to assess what each quilt needs and how to proceed.
Why do I like taking care of quilts? My academic background is in anthropology, which taught me about how much meaning the objects we make and use every day can hold. And all quilts have their story.
"Storytelling is the place where social and personal history meet."
This is a line from a lovely book I recently received, How to Write Your Personal or Family History, by Katie Funk Wiebe. The book was written by the mother of a dear friend of mine. She wrote many books, many of them about family and history.
One thing she stresses is how small memories and facts can build a valuable memoir. I feel the same is true of quilts - it's not only the flashy and museum quality quilts that are worth gentle handling and care.
Every quilt cared for and saved preserves a little bit of both family history and our collective history. It brings to life the history that is not written in textbooks.