This family heirloom quilt has some unique embroideries and provides a glimpse into the quiltmaker's personality. (And no, I did not leave my scissors on the quilt by mistake. They are embroidered with a variegated wool thread, giving them a wonderful metallic appearance!)
Here's what the quilt owner told me about the quilt:
I believe it was made by my great-grandmother, Johanna Gerbracht (born: 1865). She was married to Henry Gerbracht (born: 1863). They lived in Chatsworth, IL. The best record I have online says that she married Henry in 1888. That would make the quilt (dated: 1897) around their 10 year anniversary. Online records show that she had three children, one of whom was born in 1898/1897. You would know better than I, but that quilt doesn't scream baby quilt to me. So I'm assuming that she made it for her and her husband.
There are plenty of photos below, and you can see some other views of the quilt and listen to more descriptive information in a short video.
There were several kinds of damage to the quilt.
Very worn fabric, before patching
After patching (red triangle at top of photo)
Fabric with many tiny holes, before patching
After patching (long shape on right edge of photo)


The glimpse that I caught of Johanna Gerbracht's personality is a penchant for geometry and a flair for geometric design. Be on the lookout in these photos for the evidence of that.
The quilt also bears several initials. This set is especially ornate. I mended the tear at the top of the piece.
And, here are lots of embroidery details! Notice the intriguing edging embroidery throughout.
Here you can see one of the three French knot hearts around the birds.
They contain the words Faith, Hope, and Love.
The back is a heavy black cotton. It is attached to the top with pick stitching that catches the seam allowances of the top, without going through to the front of the quilt.
The sides are stitched with a knife-edged finish, front and back edges turned in towards each other. They are stitched shut with black running stitches.
If you enjoyed this post, you can see and hear more about this quilt in a short video.
Wow that is an amazing quilt. I especially like the triangles made out of chain stitch and french knots.
ReplyDeleteI agree! I've not seen anything like those triangles before. That takes some stitching skill to keep the lines parallel!